Guidance Classes: Developing the Socio-Emotional Competence of Graceans

  • February 2024

As students transitioned from online classes to face-to-face classes, it is inevitable that some may experience fear , anxiety and other issues as they leave the comforts of their families and home, which may inadvertently interfere with their studies and social interaction. GCC creates a safe atmosphere to address the emotional and social needs of these students, allowing them to express their thoughts and feelings to their teachers and their level counselors. Besides providing available counseling services, the guidance counselors regularly hold guidance classes that will help students learn important values and socio-emotional skills. For example, Grades 1-2 had class sessions on “Learning to be a Good Friend” and “How to Resolve Conflicts” with Mrs. Quennie Diaz. Mrs. Doris Lana facilitated classes with Grades 3-4 on “Developing an Attitude of Kindness” and “How to Better Communicate with Others.” Ms. Belle Celedonio had lessons on “How to Adapt to Changes” and “Tips on How to Transition Properly” for Grades 5-6.


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